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The Deluxe Lofted Cabin provides a larger, “L” shape covered porch area and the 4 windows provide additional lighting and/or ventilation.
New 6' Deep Porch with Increased Porch Height, Four 2'x3' Windows with Latches/Screens, Two Interior lofts, 78" 9-Lite Door with Lock and Keys.
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The Premier Lofted Cabin sets the stage for all other buildings out there and truly is the Premier building. The Premier Lofted Cabin comes standard with a L shaped porch that we re-designed with more head room and 6' Depth from front to first wall, making it the perfect place for Grandma's rocking chair.
Available Sizes:
12×32,12×36, 12×40
14×32, 14x36, 14×40, 14x44, 14x48, 14×50, 14x54, 14x60
16×32, 16x36, 16×40, 16x44, 16x48, 16×50, 16x54, 16x60
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